• £0 per year

    Free subscription

    - Up to 10 RSS feeds
    - Download your RSS feed files
    - Manually upload to your website
    - Permanently free

  • £44 per year

    Silver subscription

    - Up to 10 RSS feeds
    - Use for websites or digital signage
    - RSS feeds fully hosted
    - Direct publishing to your website
    - Publish feeds from your smart phone
    - Up to 3 users on your account
    - Full logging system
    - Priority support

    3 months: £16
    6 months: £27
    12 months: £44

  • £88 per year

    Gold subscription

    Silver benefits plus:

    - Up to 25 RSS feeds
    - Up to 10 user logins

    3 months: £32
    6 months: £54
    12 months: £88

Hosting at RSSFeedExpert.com

Hosted RSS feeds will have addresses such:


which you can link to your website.

Direct secure publishing to your website

In many cases, you will want your RSS feed directly hosted at your website.  You can download your RSS feed, which is an XML file, and then upload to your website.  Direct secured publishing allows you to security store your website's FTP details (set up a limited FTP account to a single folder with your hosting company first for security) within your RSSFeedExpert.com account and then publish your RSS feed file directly onto your website.  

It is generally not good practice to give our your website's FTP details to other organisations or people, as this is a security risk.  If you decide to use our service, we would like to assure you we securely store your information to the same standards that are used for PCI compliance, which is the credit card industry standard for storing credit card informatation.  This website is hosted on a decidated server by a US hosting company that specialises in hosting for the credit card industry.  We use secure database connections and use field level encryption in the database.

Standard FTP uses plain text passwords, which can be collected by other computers using network sniffers on public networks.  If you use our service to update your RSS feed from a mobile or desktop device on a public network, your device doesn't accually gain access to the FTP connection details, so is not sending plain text passwords over a public network.  Our server does the publishing from it's secure network for you.

If you have your own dedicated server, or your hosting company allows you to add FTP login accounts, then you should create a new FTP account with just access to the folder you are publishing your RSS feed to.  Use this restricted FTP account here.  If possible, after the first publish, then restrict the FTP account to only have write permissions to your RSS feed files.   You can create a sub folder on your website just for RSS feeds to make security easier. 

User logins and user/player logs

The free account allows you to only have a single user login.  With the Siilver and Gold, you can give other users within your organisation their own logins.  This means that multiple people can update RSS feeds and each can have their own access levels.  For example, you could give other users access to update news feeds, but not publish access, which you  may reserve for yourself so that you can check/edit news items first.


With Silver and Gold subsriptions, we aim to answer your queries within 4 working hours.   We are UK based and support is available Monday to Friday from 8am to 10pm GMT, which means we can support customers in the US and Canada effectively.  Support is also available ad hoc at the weekend.   Standard support for free accounts can take up to 48 hours to deal with queries, depending on current work load.

More information

See either RSS Feeds for websites or RSS feeds for digital signage for a full overview of RSS feeds depending on your usage.